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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Muswellbrook - Rivers SOS Meeting - 20 August

We had a very rewarding trip to Muswellbrook to speak with the Rivers SOS meeting.

More a strategic meeting and discussion than our usual community meetings, we felt very warmly received.

It became quickly apparent that there is a great deal of overlap in the issues that Rivers SOS and Lock The Gate Alliance are addressing.

Michael covered general issues related to CSG mining and outlined LTGA's draft strategic campaign plan to general approval and support. Julie received a great reception when she spoke with passion and commitment about what we are fighting to protect.

We also met up with some people from the Bylong Valley who were presenting about issues with coal miningin their area. We will be in the Bylong Valley on 9 and 10 September so it was great to know that there will be some familiar faces when we arrive.

We both thought it was well worth the trip to Muswellbrook.

When we got back to Sydney we had a lovely evening with some of Michael's family.

Michael & Julie

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